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Decorating With Floral Rugs

floral floral designs floral rugs flowers

Throughout history, floral elements have been used in artistic expression. With Spring's arrival, now is a fitting time to discuss how you can add some floral tones into your home's decor with floral floor rugs.

Floral rugs can add a stunning visual impact to your home. They are a great way to add a splash of colour to a room. From Shabby Chic style to vibrant modern designs, there is a wide range of floral rugs to choose from, featuring all sorts of flowers and blossoms. But why is it that floral designs are so popular?

Well, most floral rugs will work well in any style of room, whether it is traditional, modern, or a mixture of styles. They can work well on their own, or if paired with wall floral elements can bring the floor, furniture and walls together in style - this is a bold design statement, but can evoke a sense of fun and play.

They can work particularly well in a living area, under a coffee table, for example. Nurseries and bedrooms can also be great areas to display floral rugs. Bold floral rugs work best if the furniture is kept neutral, allowing the rug to shine, making it an inviting point of focus in the room. Alternatively, adopting a neutral colour palette for rugs, furniture and walls can also be effective.

Floral rugs can be a great way to add colour and style to your home. There are a wide variety of floral rugs to suit different colour schemes and styles.

Click here to view our range of Floral Rugs.

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